Thursday, January 31, 2013

What are you eating?

All the Dumplings have put on weight since we've come to China. While we do have a few favorite Chinese dishes and have visited several very nice Chinese restaurants, we eat very little Chinese food. Isn't that a shame? I feel a certain amount of embarrassment about it, despite the reassurances from friends from Europe, Asia and South America that they also don't each much of it. I have racked my brain and these are my excuses:

1. Food safety concerns. Anyone who reads the news knows this is a problem. We buy mostly imported food.
2. Most of the foreigners I have met  here have regular bouts of digestive discomfort. Staying with familiar foods feels safer.
3. The language barrier sometimes requires a leap of faith. Restaurant menus are often poorly/humorously translated. While Papa long ago earned the nickname "Mikey" for his willingness to try anything,  the rest of the family is not nearly so brave. 
4. There are some Chinese spices commonly used in this area that we don't like. Even if we knew what they were, we're not sure we could communicate well enough to avoid them.
5. Many meat dishes are prepared with the meat cut into small bites but with the bone remaining because the Chinese like the flavors and nutrients that the bones/gristle/fat/skin contain. It can be tricky/messy to eat, especially when using chop sticks. Now imagine the chicken/duck/fish served with the head still attached. 
6. For a while, Papa Dumpling ate Chinese food for lunch each day at the office cafeteria. He has had his fill.
7. MSG and other additives.I was amazed at the grocery store shelf space devoted to it.
8. So many foods from all over the world are available to enjoy here. We aren't lacking for delicious choices.

We haven't posted much this year  despite multiple requests to post. If you have any questions/suggestions for us, let us know.  I have abandoned several posts because I was unsuccessful getting the photos to upload. We're nearing the end of our stay in China.