I had heard before our move that it was common for families coming to live in Shanghai to hire a Chinese women, referred to as an ayi (pronounced i.e.) to help with household chores. Possibly even local families hire them, I really don't know. There is quite a lot of flexibility in what might be required of an ayi. Some are used to help with shopping, cooking, cleaning, laundry and/or child care, and they may be hired as live in help or on a part time basis. We hadn't really discussed hiring an ayi because those are my jobs and I feel no need to give them up! In fact, doing the same old things here in China that I did in the States provides a certain amount of comfort for me. However, I will admit to feeling a little bit of social pressure to hire an ayi from the other Western women in the complex. Yesterday as I was walking the dog, 2 women stopped me and told my dog how lucky she is to be walked by her owner all of the time, rather than by the ayi. I admitted to them that I hadn't hired an ayi yet. Yet? Where did that come from? I am perfectly happy to cook and clean for my family and do the shopping and even walk the dog several times (most days, anyway!). These woman looked at me like I had a third eye! Aren't you overwhelmed at how difficult daily life can be? Yes, sometimes. Isn't the house too big to keep clean? No, not really. Nobody mentioned that these ladies need to make a living . . . wouldn't that be a better reason to pay them paltry sums to handle our dirty laundry?
Third eye or first Ayi?