Friday, March 30, 2012

Home schooling

Oh, sometimes it is hard to tell which way is up! I started home schooling The Paying Customer in February because he was miserable at school. I was concerned by the apparent ease of the school before news of its troubles reached my ears, so it wasn't hard to pull him out once he started to show signs of anxiety. He is a good student and he is easy to be around, so we are having fun together. Hopefully we are covering enough material to keep him on track with his schooled peers. Aka the Works is still at Rego for the time being. So long as he is still learning and enjoying his quirky classroom teacher, he can finish out the year there. Chinese officials have advised us to find a new school for next year, despite the owner's assurance that they will still be in operation. Sorry, that is not a bet we are willing to take! Still trying to figure out what we are doing next year. One day at a time, and thankfully, that means it is time for Spring Break! 

1 comment:

  1. Any news on the school situation? How long will you be there? All of next year?
