Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Flower Market

Inside the market, just one of many corridors. 
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Outside vending area
This week, I took it to compound's shuttle service to one of Shanghia's flower markets, and I hope to return soon with more spending money and a bigger shopping bag! The market houses various vendors peddling indoor and outdoor plants, cut flowers, seeds, potting soil, vases, kitchen ware, knick-knacks as well as pet birds and fish. It was great fun to explore the shops, but I barely scratched the surface because I had quickly spent my money and filled my shopping bag. As I am still learning the ropes with shopping, I was unsure if this was a place to bargain or not, so I just paid the asking price, which I later learned was a mistake. However, I still feel as if I got a great deal, as I came home with 7 sizable plants and 2 matching glazed pots for about $25.

One of 2 matching planters on our porch.

The gnome finally gets a bit of  privacy.


  1. This looks like a great place to spend some time. Looks like one of the big covered flea markets in FL. I love your planters, and think you did well for your money!

  2. Looks like a lot to see and you maybe shopped fast but what you ended up with is so pretty!

  3. Looks like a great market! I love your new plants and planters.
