Thursday, September 22, 2011

Hong Kong!

Ok, because I was unable to obtain all of necessary documentation before we moved to China I was "forced" to make a trip to Hong Kong! This was necessary so that I could leave the country & visit the Chinese consulate, obtain a Z-visa & re-enter the country. Since HK is now part of China I don't really understand how/why this works, but as with all things in China its best to simply go with the flow.

I find the entire Visa process facinating. They ask for a pile of forms, check to make sure they are all filled in then put a big sticker in your passport. Since they will turn these things around in as little as 4 hours (chicago) or 24 hours (HK) I suspect its just some form of test....or simply a mysterious ritual that I wasn't meant to understand.

The Z visa is very fascinating since it required a health check, a work authorization and an official invitation letter from the Chinese government (that had to be requested by GE) Now that I have it I am allowed to enter china once (done!) and work for 30 days. I am now also allowed to apply for a work permit and a residency permit that will allow our entire family to stay for one year....when we get to do it all again! :-) Hmmm, 30 day process to apply for a Z visa, followed by a 30 day process to finish..pretty fishy....moon cycles?

Honestly after reading a bit of Chinese history I believe it dates back to when "barbarians" visiting china were expected to go through an elaborate series of ceremonies and gift exchanges before getting down to business. Modern china has simply streamlined the process.

We had a good time in HK, between my two visits to the Consulate we managed to visit HK Disney, tour a museum, walk about town and do wee bit of shopping.

When the British claimed HK after the opium war it looked like a vicious defeat for China. HK then spent 100 years developing into one of the most famous cities in the world....that now belongs to china. Perhaps the Chinese found an interesting way to turn defeat into victory?

1 comment:

  1. Did you find Frito's for a better price in HK?
    Mike aka pH
