Monday, September 19, 2011

Walking the dog

Now that we don't have a yard we can call our own, we must walk the dog several times a day. This is an adjustment for all of us, but it definitely has its advantages, too. Biscuit loves the attention she gets while she is out walking in the neighborhood, and we are all spending more time moving around outside. This morning I took a few photos of things I noticed on my walk.
A snail climbs a tree.

Unidentified tree.

A bird in the teahouse. I tried to help it
get out, until I noticed a cat looking in
from the outside (not pictured).
Freshly planted petunias in September!
Signs of Fall, even if it still in the 80s.
Several blossoms here, can't wait to see
the flowers


  1. Banana tree!!! Nice pix. Wish I could see the cat! Lol!

  2. Wow comment worked. Other times I tried to comment and didnt work.

  3. Thank you for identifying that tree for me, it was making me crazy trying to figure it out. There is another mystery tree I'm watching, maybe I'll post a picture in a few weeks. There is also a big blue bird I've seen once that I am hoping to catch in a photo. Glad you could comment, I've heard several others say posting is problematic.
