Thursday, September 29, 2011

All is not as it appears

In one of his posts, Papa Dumpling wisely stated that in China, it is often best to just go with the flow. I couldn't agree more. Another Chinese 'truism' we are learning is that all is not as it appears. We have heard this said countless times by others and now I will give share from my personal  experience. I have a habit of carrying peppermint flavored tic tacs in my purse. I ran out weeks ago, and have been considering a replacement mint since I haven't seen tic tacs on any of the store shelves. I finally decided to try these instead. Seems like a safe bet, who doesn't like Wrigley's Doublemint?

Turns out, we don't like the Chinese idea of doublemint!  These may APPEAR familiar, but they are not. These things are HORRID! They taste slightly like mint, but more like flowers and soap. I suppose the flower on the label may have been a hint. The Paying Customer and The Works want to save them to share with any guests we might get. Aren't they thoughtful?


  1. Jordan (倪忆森)September 29, 2011 at 7:35 PM

    The characters written over the top of the flower in the upper left say:

    "Jasmine Flower Tea Flavored"

    That's probably why it doesn't taste the same! Often times, Western companies use well-established brands (like Doublemint) to sell things while the flavors are localized.

  2. Mmmm jasmine. I love jasmine tea. :) at least it's not deodorant or soap. The container to me looks like something for a bathroom!!! ;)

  3. Ha! The flowers WERE a clue! After reading Jordan's comment, I bought a new container with mint leaves on them. They were very much an improvement over the jasmine flower tea flavor to my western taste buds. I would say that compared to the doublemint I know, these were stronger and hotter. I'll keep looking for a tic tac replacement, but I might be able to settle for these.

    The localized flavors will be good for a few future posts. I have had fun browsing the supermarket offerings, and will certainly be trying some of the unusual flavors in other products. There are several interesting things in the chip aisle I've been considering.

  4. is the after school snack of brownie bites being continued? have you found all of those ingredients? my kids LOVED them and want the recipe!
